What is Clinical Research?
The Definition
Research is an organized way to learn more about almost anything. Research is done in many areas such as engineering, basic science, psychology and medicine. When research involves people as subjects, it’s called human subject research.
Why Should I Join?
Some healthy people decide to join a study because they want to help in developing a cure for a particular disease.
Some people decide to join because they have a disease or condition that has not responded well to any of the available medications.
Some people decide to join because they have a very advanced stage of disease and no treatment option is available.
If I join, what do I have to do?
As a participant in a research study you will have responsibilities too. You are expected to show up for all scheduled appointments, call the study personnel if you have a bad reaction, and follow the instructions given to you. By participating, you may be required to attend more appointments than standard care.
As a Subject, what are my rights?
What are the Risks?
Will I Benefit?
You have the right to decide not to participate in the research, and there will be no penalty or loss of benefits
If you decide to participate, you have the right to quit at any time. Again, there will be no penalty or loss of benefits
You have the right to be informed about the research study, without any coercion, undue influence, or pressure. Your main source of information about the research study is usually the consent form, of which you have a right to obtain a copy
You have the right to ask questions about the research study
You do not waive any of your legal rights by joining a research study or signing a consent form
Sometimes, joining a research study involves risks. Those risks vary from study to study.
You should understand what risks are anticipated in the particular study you are considering and remember that there can always be unanticipated risks for research subjects. The risks should be clearly explained in the consent form.
Sometimes the subject who joins a research study will benefit directly, and their disease or problem will be helped. The possibility of benefit varies from study to study, just like the risks. It is important to remember that the main goal of research is to collect information that may help future patients. Always ask questions about the study.